Monday, July 6, 2009


This will probably be a website most of you bloggers know...Runescape(
It is a massiv interactive world where you do quests,gain levels,get money and kill monsters!
And its all FREE!There is one side for Free players and that side is actually really big but theres a bigger side where its for Members.You have to pay real money to be a Member.Anyways,you can take ships to other islands,Explore the wilderness and many,many more!
You can upgrade your
attack,strengh,deffence,ranged,fishing,cooking,woodcuting,firemaking,crafting,mining,smithing and even more if your member!
You can buy armor and weapons and hopefully complete the most popular achievement,Getting full rune armor.Rune is the best armor the is for free players.That's it!Try it!

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